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Based on fuzzy adaptive and dynamic surface (FADS), an integrated guidance and control (IGC) approach was proposed for large caliber naval gun guided projectile, which was robust to target maneuver, canard dynamic characteristics, and multiple constraints, such as impact angle, limited measurement of line of sight (LOS) angle rate and nonlinear saturation of canard deflection. Initially, a strict feedback cascade model of IGC in longitudinal plane was established, and extended state observer (ESO) was designed to estimate LOS angle rate and uncertain disturbances with unknown boundary inside and outside of system, including aerodynamic parameters perturbation, target maneuver and model errors. Secondly, aiming at zeroing LOS angle tracking error and LOS angle rate in finite time, a nonsingular terminal sliding mode (NTSM) was designed with adaptive exponential reaching law. Furthermore, combining with dynamic surface, which prevented the complex differential of virtual control laws, the fuzzy adaptive systems were designed to approximate observation errors of uncertain disturbances and to reduce chatter of control law. Finally, the adaptive Nussbaum gain function was introduced to compensate nonlinear saturation of canard deflection. The LOS angle tracking error and LOS angle rate were convergent in finite time and whole system states were uniform ultimately bounded, rigorously proven by Lyapunov stability theory. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) and digital simulation experiments both showed FADS provided guided projectile with good guidance performance while striking targets with different maneuvering forms.  相似文献   
规则平面阵列因其结构周期性,在进行波束综合时存在主瓣宽、旁瓣电平高等问题。对此,提出一种基于改进遗传算法的阵列优化方法。设计平面栅格传声器阵列,以满足阵元间距的要求,并构造以主瓣宽度为约束条件、以全局旁瓣电平为适应度的目标函数,对常规遗传算法进行改进,采取个体间自由交叉、随机的阵元数量强制变异的策略来增大种群的搜索范围。通过仿真,得到多个优化阵列,与几种规则平面阵列相比,在不同的信噪比输入下,经过改进遗传算法优化得到的随机阵列均有更好的表现。而相比于几种常规的优化算法,改进的遗传算法具有更强的搜索能力,得到数量更多、性能更优的随机阵列,由此证明了所提方法的可行性。  相似文献   
用结构自适应前馈网络解算多目标导弹攻击区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多目标导弹攻击区的实时解算是机载多目标攻击武器系统得以技术实现的中心环节。阐述了“多目标导弹攻击区”的概念 ,探索了其解算的技术途径 ,提出了“实时、高精度和低存储”的解算要求。根据上述技术要求 ,设计了基于网络灵敏度统计分析的多层前馈网络结构自适应算法 ,以用于训练合适规模的多层前馈网络逼近器。在此基础上 ,进行了系统仿真研究 ,研究的结果表明了该方案的应用前景。  相似文献   
基于自适应模糊神经网络的弹药消耗预计模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据我军弹药消耗预计方法的现状,利用模糊控制和神经元网络原理,提出了一种新的预计方法。量化的作战条件作为系统的输入,预计值作为系统的输出,根据历史的输入、输出数据确定系统的特性,建立预计模型。利用此种方法建立的模型根据历史数据训练后,输入现有战斗估计条件,即可对部队日平均作战消耗做出预计。  相似文献   
网格中资源发现机制是把资源提供者和资源请求者联系起来的重要环节.在分析分层分布式分群监控体系结构和现有资源发现机制的基础上,提出将集中式目录服务、资源路由表和移动代理三种机制相结合的网格资源发现机制.实验验证该机制在小范围内查找具有性能高效的特点,而在大范围内查找减少了资源发现代理的分发数量,降低了系统消息的负载,进而降低了网络资源的占用.  相似文献   
以调幅和调频电台为研究对象,对共平台接收电台前端低噪声放大器的非线性进行精确建模,分别对调幅电台和调频电台的干扰抑制需求进行解析,并通过数值仿真对解析模型进行验证。结果表明:所提解析模型较现有模型更为准确;当有用信号功率、噪声功率和干扰功率相同时,调幅通信系统的干扰抑制需求高于调频通信系统。  相似文献   
离子推力器栅极组件热态间距测量系统研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了完成LIPS-300离子推力器三栅极组件在真空、高温环境中微小热态间距的高精度测量,设计了一套使用远距显微镜的非接触摄像测量系统。基于拍摄的图像,运用交互式分区方法获得多个圆形合作标志稳定、清晰的边缘,利用合作标志和标定片完成图像放大系数标定、图像畸变校正以及栅极热态间距亚像素级测量。精度验证实验表明,本系统在非加热情况下测量精度优于6μm,在加热情况下测量精度优于12μm。大气环境下的加热实验结果显示屏栅和加速栅温度差越大,栅极热态间距的减小量越大,当温差最大为150℃时热态间距减少量达到最大,即420μm。同时,由于安装环的热变形影响,栅极在热稳态时热变形量下降、在冷却期时产生负位移现象,测量结果与国外同类实验趋势一致。系统满足栅极组件热态间距测量的需求。  相似文献   
为确立高超声速飞行器再入精确模型,参考NASA的研究数据对动力学方程中的气动参数进行拟合。基于飞行器结构的相关性质及战略应用背景,加入热流密度、动压、过载和禁飞区等参考约束的限制,融合成强非线性、复杂耦合的最优控制问题。采用改进自适应伪谱法求解模型所构建的微分方程组,通过设置自适应网格细化与配点,使单位时间内状态变量和控制变量波动过大的时间区间被进一步细划,并利用SNOPT求解器解算出符合条件的最优轨迹。设计闭环控制器,实现对最优轨迹的姿态变化的跟踪,测试系统的性能并进行评估。仿真结果表明:整个再入过程中,飞行器速度下降过程偏于平稳,再入轨迹可以满足约束条件,在避开禁飞区的同时取得最大横向航程;三通道角速度收敛可控,对姿态的跟踪较理想,控制器基本可以实现精确调姿。  相似文献   
针对传统最小均方误差(Least Mean Square, LMS)自适应滤波算法由于步长固定,在解决稳态误差与收敛性之间的关系时,始终处于矛盾状态的问题,在对传统的固定步长LMS自适应滤波算法分析的基础上,根据变步长LMS自适应滤波算法的步长调整原则,通过构造步长因子与误差信号的非线性函数,提出了一种基于正态分布曲线的分段式变步长LMS自适应滤波算法,并分析了参数取值对算法性能的影响。针对实际信号处理过程中参考信号难以选取的问题,提出了一种基于分裂阵的参考信号选取方法。理论和海试数据分析结果表明:该算法的收敛速度和稳态误差明显优于固定步长的LMS自适应滤波算法和基于Sigmoid函数的变步长LMS自适应滤波算法。  相似文献   
Underwater acoustic signal processing is one of the research hotspots in underwater acoustics. Noise reduction of underwater acoustic signals is the key to underwater acoustic signal processing. Owing to the complexity of marine environment and the particularity of underwater acoustic channel, noise reduction of underwater acoustic signals has always been a difficult challenge in the field of underwater acoustic signal processing. In order to solve the dilemma, we proposed a novel noise reduction technique for underwater acoustic signals based on complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN), minimum mean square variance criterion (MMSVC) and least mean square adaptive filter (LMSAF). This noise reduction technique, named CEEMDAN-MMSVC-LMSAF, has three main advantages: (i) as an improved algorithm of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and ensemble EMD (EEMD), CEEMDAN can better suppress mode mixing, and can avoid selecting the number of decomposition in variational mode decomposition (VMD); (ii) MMSVC can identify noisy intrinsic mode function (IMF), and can avoid selecting thresholds of different permutation entropies; (iii) for noise reduction of noisy IMFs, LMSAF overcomes the selection of decomposition number and basis function for wavelet noise reduction. Firstly, CEEMDAN decomposes the original signal into IMFs, which can be divided into noisy IMFs and real IMFs. Then, MMSVC and LMSAF are used to detect identify noisy IMFs and remove noise components from noisy IMFs. Finally, both denoised noisy IMFs and real IMFs are reconstructed and the final denoised signal is obtained. Compared with other noise reduction techniques, the validity of CEEMDAN-MMSVC-LMSAF can be proved by the analysis of simulation signals and real underwater acoustic signals, which has the better noise reduction effect and has practical application value. CEEMDAN-MMSVC-LMSAF also provides a reliable basis for the detection, feature extraction, classification and recognition of underwater acoustic signals.  相似文献   
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